Brooke Gregson

Brooke Gregson Brooke Gregson
Daughter of a jeweler father and a mother passionate about the healing power of stones, Brooke Gregson was destined to become a distinguished designer in the world of jewelry. Divided between her studios in London and Los Angeles – her hometown – Brooke Gregson takes her inspiration from the complementarity of these two cities: one eccentric, the other chilled. Between sophistication and esoteric sensitivity, its collections have been able to transcribe the wealth of these two worlds. Attracted by rare and little exploited stones - which she chooses one by one - she pays particular attention to their soul and their emotion.

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The Universe

  • Brooke Gregson
  • Brooke Gregson
  • Brooke Gregson
  • Brooke Gregson
  • Brooke Gregson
  • Brooke Gregson