Ten Thousand Things

Ten Thousand Things Ten Thousand Things

Ten Thousand Things is a New York-based jewelry brand, renowned for its distinctive, handmade approach to jewelry making. Created in 1989 by Ron Anderson and David Rees, the brand is known for its organic aesthetic and creative use of materials.

At the turn of a trip to Jaipur, they meet artisan stonemasons with whom they will then work. Hand-cut using traditional techniques perfected from generation to generation, the stones take on forms inspired by nature, which transcend ephemian tendencies. The jewelry is then hand-mounted in the New York workshops located just behind the shop.

The brand has also gained popularity for its delicate necklaces, bracelets and earrings, which can be worn both on a daily and for special occasions.

In summary, Ten Thousand Things embodies quality craftsmanship, originality and attention to detail in the world of jewelry, creating pieces that captivate with their temporal beauty and unique character.

Country of Origin

United-States of America

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