
Caravana Caravana
The story of Caravana begins in 2009 when Jack the founder falls in love with the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. From then on his desire is to reveal the beauty, the magnetism and the traditions of the Mayan culture. At the heart of her project, a sustainable and artisanal creative process, each piece is handcrafted by indigenous tribes of the region.

The brand is inspired by Mexico's natural beauty, cultural richness and indigenous heritage. The textiles used are often natural materials, such as cotton and linen, which offer comfort and durability. The patterns and colors of Caravana clothing also celebrate the vibrant and lively aesthetic of Mexican culture.

Country of Origin


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  • Caravana
  • Caravana
  • Caravana
  • Caravana
  • Caravana
  • Caravana